Visit my website, enter your email and receive exclusive material about elderly caregivers: http://www.erlainerezende.com.br Join our #cuidadoreshumanos group on WhatsApp: ???????? https://erlainerezende.com.br/kr/whats Join our #cuidadoreshumanos group on Telegram: http://www.erlainerezende.com.br/kr/c... You can also find me: Facebook: / erlainerezendeoficial Instagram: / erlainerezende The profession of Elderly Caregiver often arises in an unpretentious way, or by an opportunity that falls into your lap. Thus, in the daily work, amateurism and the lack of correct techniques cause the professional to make mistakes. These improvisations and guesses applied in the day-to-day with the patient bring many risks and can cost the life of a Human Being. So if you want to be successful in your career, come and learn everything you should NOT do as a Caregiver. I take care of myself and you too! Consult your geriatrician regularly. Dr. Erlaine Rezende Specialist in Elderly Care #humancaregivers #whobreastcares