The live broadcast starts at 8:02am! This "Breakfast Eater" will be chosen from the people who appeared on JaruJaru Tower the previous week. Here are the people chosen this time! “The guy who doesn't know if he should go home or not” [JARUJARUTOWER] • “The guy who doesn't know if he should go home or not” The source of JaruJaru's jokes [JARUJARUT... ▼Matsumoto Honoka x JaruJaru Photobook “Eye and Land” Photography: Kawashima Kotori ¥1,980, on sale from 7/22↓ Pre-orders now https://amzn.asia/d/2oxe9tu [JaruJaru Island is updated Monday-Friday!!] Monday: The guy who eats breakfastTuesday/Wednesday: The guy who takes everyday photosThursday: The guy who calls in the middle of the nightFriday: The guy who works remotely[JaruJaru ticket information] https://profile.yoshimoto.co.jp/talen... [JaruJaru official website] http://jarujaru.com [JaruJaru official LINE] https://live.line.me/r/channels/121 [JaruJaru Twitter] https://twitter.com/jarujaru12th?lang=ja [JaruJaru official TikTok] https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSep1uwKH/ [Anyone interested in JaruJaru] https://www.jarujaru-kyomi.com