Support me directly on Herohero: https://herohero.co/medojed Support me indirectly by purchasing products via affiliate links: Health Games: https://hrynazdravi.cz/?aff=medojed Knives and Swords: https://www.nozeakatany.cz/action/Aff... Alza affiliate link: Godlike: www.godlike.gg/medojed Gearbest affiliate link: https://www.gearbest.com/?lkid=12267265 Stop by and chat: Twitch: / realmedojed Streaming calendar: Monday: 5:00 PM - ??? (from 6:00 PM DnD when chat is not read) Wednesday: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Friday: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Where can you find Medojed? Discord: / discord Reddit: / medojedsubmissions Twitch: / realmedojed Facebook: / tenmedojed Instagram: / fakemedojed Who am I? A nerd who likes comics, movies, anime, video games, books and making videos. I try to make at least 4 videos a week, but sometimes it doesn't work out. FAQ I use Panasonic S5 + Sony FDR AX53 for filming. I don't watch Czech YouTubers so I haven't seen/don't know them. I mainly play on PC, but I also have a Nintendo Switch and PS5. I was born in 1990, do the math. No, I can't speak less dirty. Filmstalker is meant ironically. I edit in Adobe Premier. Filmstalker is released once a month. Marvel or DC: • I prefer Marvel or DC - FINAL O... #witcher #witcher #bloodorigin #netflix