BYPASSING A TRAFFIC JAMMING UP THE MOUNTAIN AFTER THE FROST! The madness continues... The traffic jam in Nizhny Novgorod continues... The mountain, this time after the frost, is waiting for those who like to bypass the traffic jam! ___________________________________________________________________________ OUR SECOND CHANNEL: / @KOMERSNN The first video from this mountain: • WHY DO PEOPLE CRUSH THEIR CARS? People are... The second video from the mountain: • IS IT WORTH RISKING YOUR CAR? People are... Another video from this mountain: • BYPASS THE TRAFFIC JAMMING AT ANY COST! The mountain, wh... ___________________________________________________________________________ Instagram: / gorbunoff_tv Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/gorbunoff VK group - https://vk.com/gorbunoff_group My page - https://vk.com/gorbunoff_tv #frost #bypass #mountain