Nadira started taking drugs when she was 14. After ecstasy, coke and heroin she eventually ended up on crystal meth and stuck with it. She was addicted to crystal meth for 5 years. We asked her your questions. If you want to find out more about Nadira, her drug past and her path out of addiction, take a look at her YouTube channel: / @dieschnibis568 Why did you start taking drugs? 00:18 How does it feel to take heroin? 00:59 How did you get into drugs at such a young age? 01:30 What was the first time you tried crystal like? 02:13 How did you use it? Smoked, injected or snorted? 03:01 How much money did you spend on drugs in total? 03:23 How did you finance the whole thing? 03:42 What was your everyday life like? 04:21 How many days in a row were you awake? 05:18 What is your best memory of that time? 05:30 How does it feel to be constantly high? 06:15 Worst bad trip experience? 07:09 When did you realize you had a problem? 08:15 When did you get to the point where you knew you had to stop? 08:46 What does cold turkey feel like? 09:41 How long have you been clean? 10:10 Do you still often think about the feeling of being high? 10:16 Are you afraid that you might relapse? 10:47 Do you have any advice for people who want to quit themselves? 11:18 How do I support friends who are addicted to drugs? 11:46 ___________________________ Is it okay to play with prejudices? Of course! ASK A CLICHÉ is the format where you ask the questions that you would otherwise not dare to ask out loud. We regularly tell you which cliché we will tackle next - and you post your questions on: / hyperboletv / hyperboletv / hyperboletv. . #ASKINCLISCHEE #METHHEAD