In 1990, Roda Viva hosted the comedian Chico Anysio, from Maranguape, Ceará. Chico was 58 years old and had 42 years of experience in comedy. At the age of 17, he debuted on Rádio Guanabara and in 1960 began working on television. In addition, he was also a writer, composer and father of five children, three of whom worked with him. On this program, Chico talked about humor, characters, soccer and politics. The interview panel included TV critic José Simão; author and theater director Oswaldo Marques; Kleber de Almeida, editor of the Saturday section of Jornal da Tarde; Joanna Rodrigues, reporter for the Show section of Folha da Tarde; José Maurício Machline, vice president of social communication for Grupo Machline; Silvio Giannini, assistant editor of Veja magazine; Anete Schuastmam, reporter for Ilustrada, [notebook] of Folha de S.Paulo and Maria Amélia Rocha Lopes, journalist for TV Cultura. The program is unedited and aired in 1990. Follow Roda Viva: Facebook: / rodaviva Twitter: / rodaviva Website: http://tvcultura.com.br/programas/rod... Follow TV Cultura: Facebook: / tvcultura Twitter: / tvcultura Instagram: / tvcultura G+: https://plus.google.com/+tvcultura