Kombi trip home through Peru. We are living one of the most remarkable adventures of our lives, where we are getting to know several cities, people and cultures. An unforgettable experience! Would you like to travel with us? You can help us by sharing the video, leaving a like or dislike, commenting or making a contribution through PIX. ⏩PIX code: 91992835302 (phone) Link to Luiz Barros' channel ▶️ / @luisbarros614 Link to Luiz Barros' Instagram: ▶️https://instagram.com/luisbarros627?i... Border between Brazil and Peru The border between Brazil and Peru is the line that limits the territories of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Republic of Peru. The Brazilian states bordering Peru are Amazonas and Acre. Part of the limit was established in the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro (1909). Its total length is 2,995 kilometers, placing it among the 11 largest borders in the world in terms of length. Of the 2,995 km of the border, 2,003 km are delimited by bodies of water, such as rivers and canals, and another 709 km by hilltops or watersheds. Peru, which borders Brazil in the city of Assis Brasil, Acre. To get to this city from the capital Rio Branco, just follow the BR 317, also known as the Pacific Highway, for approximately 350 kilometers. From there, you will arrive at Iñapari, a Peruvian town in the province of Tahuamanu, in the Madre de Dios region. It is located on the triple border formed, in addition to Peru, by Brazil (Assis Brasil, Acre) and Bolivia (Bolpebra, Pando). Separated from Brazilian territory by the Acre River, Iñapari is accessible from Brazil by the Brazil-Peru Integration Bridge. Andes Mountain Range The Andes Mountain Range is the longest continental mountain range on the globe. It is a continuous range of mountains that border almost the entire western coast of South America. Its extension covers more than 7,000 km, with the width of the chain varying from 200 to 700 km, in addition to reaching an altitude that on average reaches around 4,000 m. With this remarkable extension, the Andes obviously occupy the territory of several countries, seven in total: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Its highest point is the Aconcagua peak, located in Argentine territory, which reaches an altitude of 6,962 m. Incas The Incas lived from approximately 3000 BC to 1500 AD in Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador, more specifically in the Andes Mountain Range. The current indigenous peoples of Peru are descendants of the Incas. These people became known throughout the world for their culture and tradition, for the gold objects they made, for the use of stones in their works such as mountain roads, irrigation canals, etc. The Incas were polytheists, that is, they believed in several gods such as thunder, the moon, the sea, the sun, etc. They sacrificed animals and humans in honor of the gods they worshipped. The capital of the Inca Empire was called Cusco, and there was the largest temple of worship to the Sun god, the main god of the Inca religion. What is the local Peruvian currency? The Peruvian currency is the Nuevo Soles, also called Nuevo Sol or simply Soles. An important tip is that the abbreviation for the Peruvian currency is “S/”, which depending on the situation can be confused with the abbreviation for the dollar. La Rinconada, the highest city in the world La Rinconada is a city located in the Peruvian Andes, close to a gold mine. It is considered the highest city in the world, with an average altitude of 5,100 m. In La Rinconada, the summer is short; the winter is short and snowy. The weather is very cold and overcast all year round. Throughout the year, the temperature generally varies from -11 °C to 6 °C and is rarely below -13 °C or above 9 °C. Social and environmental problems The city does not have basic sanitation. Despite not having a sewage system, there is significant mercury contamination due to mineral extraction activities. The route The rural landscapes along the way are beautiful, as is typical in Peru. The mountain range, almost always present, is a spectacle that becomes even more beautiful with the presence of peasants and peasant women cultivating the land in their colorful costumes. On the horizon, as the altitude increases, the snow begins to become more and more present. Arriving in the town is far from pleasant. The kilometers leading up to the city are a veritable open-air dump. All the city's waste invariably ends up there. The smell is not unbearable because the cold helps prevent the organic waste from actually rotting, but the sight is horrible and not welcoming. Azángaro, Peru Azángaro is a city in Peru, located in the Puno region. Capital of the province of Azángaro, its population in 2017 was estimated at 20,696 inhabitants.