Happy birthday, all Romanians! Today we thank you once again, those who support us! Another year has passed since The Machinist, your favorite show about classic cars. Today is a big holiday, so we have prepared a triathlon of films about three very special Romanian cars. And how else could we open this triple anniversary edition than how we started: with the man who believes as much as we do that Romania's automotive history deserves more attention: Ovidiu Măgureanu! Present for the third time at The Machinist on National Day, Ovidiu this time presents us with his passion for the ARO M461 – the one that first put Romania on the world map as a car-producing country! ___________________ Image consultant: SARTO Bespoke https://www.sarto.ro Shoes from Loake Shoemakers: https://www.loake.ro/ ____________________ DOP: Laurențiu Greger Video: Kartal Horasanli Sound: Andrei Chiriac A production of Mațińistul © 2017. Reproduction of video materials without the written consent of the author is strictly prohibited.