Believe it or not, happiness is not conditioned by life in a partnership and another person. No one can experience true love if they do not first fully accept and love themselves. What are the statistics on singleness in Slovenia, why do we "fall" for the wrong partners or fictitious ideas about perfect love? How long is it wise to be single, should we settle for less than we deserve, and what does freedom mean in love? Today, with Urban Urbanec and Manca Razboršek, we had a common-sense discussion about love matters and found that, first of all, we need to move from the mind to the heart. Don't miss it! 24.3.2018 Chat over Coffee is a television show that airs on TV3. Its purpose is for viewers to find information through interesting content that can help them live a better quality of life. The focus is on a holistic view of the human being, and the topics also touch on alternative medicine, complementary medicine, healing, personal growth and spiritual development, esotericism, psychology and other areas. Our goal is for people to make decisions every day that lead them to their own path of health, satisfaction, happiness and inner harmony. Learn more on our website www.klepetobkavi.si Also visit us on Facebook: www.fb.com/klepetobkavi