The star of the TV series "The Bloodhound" told about how her father lost furniture at cards, how she became "Vision Girl", and why, despite her husband and three children, she feels lonely 01:13 Why is there cognac in the editorial office? 01:58 "Alcohol invigorates me, but coffee makes me sleepy" 02:35 Anna Banshchikova's Petersburg 03:07 "After the divorce, my mother was friends with my father's wives" 05:33 "Dad gambled away our furniture" 07:00 "I was accepted to the theater not without connections" 07:53 "My grandfather was 13 years younger than my grandmother" 09:50 About Ivasi herring and sausages with sour cream 11:19 How she was a sales agent and danced go-go 13:25 "My mother rebelled against my novels" 14:17 About meeting Alexander Demyanenko 15:05 "I couldn't be a "Vision Girl" all my life" 17:32 Moving to Moscow and the first steps in cinema 18:43 Two novels with married men men 19:47 "A T-shirt in trousers is anti-sex" 21:43 "I always make up first!" 22:13 "A man will never cheat if he loves" 23:16 "I never forbade my children anything" 25:16 The more you love your husband, the less his mother loves you 27:53 "Modern girls are masters of manipulation" 29:03 Why Mashkov threw her out of a helicopter 30:34 "Tabakov said that he knows nothing about love" 32:54 Meeting and friendship with Khabensky and Porechenkov 33:34 "Nobody sees how the one who goes through life laughing cries at night" 35:58 "My "Bloodhound" is absurd and funny, but real - that's why men love her" 40:36 "Despite my husband and three children, I still feel lonely" 43:33 "Life is a road, and only the one who walks it can master it" Read the news on the site: https://zhizn.ru/ Our pages in other social networks: VKontakte - https://vk.com/zhizn Odnoklassniki - https://ok.ru/gazetazhizn Zen - https://zen.yandex.ru/gazetazhizn Telegram - https://t.me/+Yd6MbB27LFc0Y2Uy Yulia Yagafarova VKontakte: https://vk.com/yyagafarova Our email: [email protected] For advertising inquiries: [email protected]