What's a good party without chaos and nonsense? This is definitely one of the best moments of the holidays, right? But today, let's talk about THE WORST PARTIES, the one with shacks, people feeling sick, broken heels, wigs that come off... and people who ruin the party! And to bring all the gossip with quality and judge the worst parties, I brought a guest who is a multi-artist, full of memes, experienced and who understands everything about breath and flop in clubs: welcome, Frimes! Will she be at Farofa da Gkay this year? ???? So, come with grandma and let's talk a lot in this chat, because I know you love exposed and have lots of frills! Lorelive, live, Wednesday, at 8pm, on DiaTV and on the channel @lorelayfox DiaTV, the first TV made by content creators, live NOW: • DiaTV - LIVE 24 HOURS A DAY A @DiaTV Production - ???? BE A SUPPORTER: https://apoia.se/lorelay_fox LISTEN TO MY PODCAST: https://linktr.ee/podcastparatudo FOLLOW: Insta + Twitter @LORELAY_FOX WATCH MORE: HORROR CASES: https://tinyurl.com/ yckr9b5s HATES OF THE MONTH: https ://tinyurl.com/2p9bc2s6 CONSPIRACY THEORIES: https://tinyurl.com/4sucw7pf CLUE ADVICE: https://tinyurl.com/2s3kpnnw HIV and AIDS: https://goo. DragQueen for over 18 years and is on YouTube to spread messages of acceptance and empathy, as well as artistic makeup advice and talk about things in life! Currently, in addition to YouTube, she runs the Podcast Para Tudo, available on the main streaming channels! Love, Lorelay Fox…