ALSO LISTEN TO THIS: ANIK ARNIKA FULL ALBUM WORK SPIRIT • ANIK ARNIKA (FULL ALBUM OF WORK SPIRIT SONG... ANIK ARNIKA FULL NEW ALBUM • ANIK ARNIKA'S LATEST SONG ANIK ARNIKA FULL ALBUM OLD TARLING • ANIK ARNIKA [ FULL ALBUM OF OLD TARLING ] ANIK ARNIKA FULL ALBUM THE BEST HIST • ANIK ARNIKA [ TARLING THE BEST HITS ]... ANIK ARNIKA FULL ALBUM TARLIGN HIST • ANIK ARNIKA [ FULL ALBUM TARLING HITS ... Tarling music is a form of art originating from the Indramayu and Cirebon areas in the northern coastal area (pantura) of West Java. The name tarling is identified with the name of the itar instrument (guitar) and flute and the term Sing Nelatar Kudu Eling (those who migrate must remember/remember) Eling to God Almighty, Eling to the land of one's birth.