The first episode of a series of in-depth specials dedicated to the Trieste mystery of the Liliana Resinovich case. 3 years after the disappearance and subsequent discovery of Liliana Resinovich's body, the mystery of this case continues to grip true crime fans; and the more information we get from the media, the more questions multiply, in a case as intricate as it is characterized by enormous errors and a shameful superficiality in the investigations. In my mind, but I think also in yours, there is a great tangle and a lot of confusion regarding this case, so... as the best investigators should do, when a case is so messed up you have to stop, and start over. Today I am here to reconstruct for you, in logical and chronological order, the entire intricate history of this case, from that cursed December 14, 2021 to today, so as to give you a precise and factual picture of the events; given that it has been talked about so much in a fragmentary and often inaccurate way, and there is no complete and detailed reconstruction of this case from the beginning. I have decided not to tell you this story following the journalistic narrative, in order to avoid the propagation of errors and more or less voluntary mystifications; but I will let the documents speak directly, reading you what is reported in the minutes of the investigation file, so that you have an objective vision of the facts, beyond any opinion or interpretation. Working I realized that I could not enclose this whole story in a single video, so I decided to divide it into chapters, really going into the details of each step of this mysterious affair. This first chapter will be dedicated to Liliana's disappearance, to those 3 mysterious weeks in which, to this day, we do not know where Lilly was, and whether she was still alive or not. We will retrace the testimonies of the various characters by reading their words to SIT directly from the file, and we will look at the results of the investigations of those first 3 weeks. Try Evedrop! The best cleaning products while respecting yourself, our planet, and your beloved animals! With the code BUGALALLA10 you will have a 10% discount on all products on the site: https://serv.linkster.co/r/9WP3jUY0yN If you want to participate in the live and discuss the cases with me, I'll wait for you on / bugalalla For info and collaborations: [email protected] Subscribe to this channel to access the benefits: / @bugalalla If you don't know how Twitch works: http://bit.ly/AbbonarsiBuga To investigate my life: / bugalalla For the Telegram group: http://bit.ly/GruppoTelegramBuga #lilianaresinovich #truecrimeitalia