The Mercedes 300 SL is considered the car of the century. One that was way ahead of its time in terms of technology and design. ----------- ► VW Golf - The miracle from Wolfsburg I SWR: • Video ► Car icons: Trabant - the cult car of the GDR SWR: • Video ► Speedometer manipulation: When used cars are cheated Market check SWR: • Video ► Oil change: How garages cash in Market check SWR: • Oil change: How garages cash in... ► The first car - a love for life SWR: • Video ----------- Subscribe to the channel: / swrdoku You can find more documentaries on our channel or in the ARD Mediathek at https://www.ardmediathek.de/dokus ► Comments are welcome - but please observe the netiquette: https://www.swr.de/home/netiquette-10... ► Imprint: https://www.swr.de/impressum/ ----------- #Mercedes #300sl #Gullwing doors Image source: picture alliance / dpa private