Danny delves into the world of caravan dwellers. They still have to fight hard for a place due to scarcity and mismanagement. Want to see more stories from Danny? Check it out on https://bit.ly/2EdpwA4 #DannyOpStraat #NPO2 Danny talks to Wesley and his cousin Henry, who is number 1 on the waiting list. But the vacant spot turns out to have been sold privately to a third party. Joke has been protesting for months with her young children in a tent camp without gas, water and electricity. Danny Ghosen reports in a journalistic manner on problems and tensions in the Netherlands in places or with groups that are usually difficult to access. Danny invests in those involved, approaches people with an open mind and does not shy away when things become threatening. In this way he knows how to expose what the problems are and where they come from. Every Thursday at 5:00 PM a new episode of Danny op Straat on this channel. Also available here every Thursday at 21:10 on NPO2 and on demand via NPO Start: https://www.npostart.nl/ More from NTR? Follow us on: YouTube: / @omroepntr NPO Start: https://www.npostart.nl/ Instagram: / omroepntr Facebook: / ntromroep