Amy has guinea pigs and they need care. She cleans the cage, combs her favorite guinea pig Knabbel and holds a photo session. Watch full episodes of Kindertijd on NPO Start ‣ https://npo.nl/start/serie/kindertijd Kindertijd is a varied toddler magazine from KRO-NCRV on NPO3/Zappelin. With children and for children! And of course there are also competitions with fun Kindertijd prizes to be won via our Facebook page. Discover even more fun videos, games and coloring pages from Kindertijd series on our website: https://www.zappelin.nl Stay up to date with all the news about Youth, sign up for the newsletter: https://kro-ncrv.nl/nieuwsbrief-jeugd Subscribe to this channel: https://www.youtube.com/kindertijdkro... ◙ Website: https://www.zappelin.nl ◙ Facebook: / kroncrvkindertijd ◙ Instagram: / kinderopvang.kro.ncrv Kijkwijzer: AL (All Ages)