Guimarães Motorcycles - Suzuki, Haojue, Zontes and Kymco Dealership ????Whatsapp: (71) 99239-0553 ????Phone: (71) 3357-5000 ????Address: Av. Gen. Graça Lessa, 115 - Acupe de Brotas, Salvador - BA, 40290-110 ????Map: https://goo.gl/cMBPBG Motorcycle Leader - Suzuki Dealership, Haojue, Zontes and Kymco ????Whatsapp: (71) 99381-0146 ????Telephone : (71) 3103-2000 ???? [email protected] ????Av. Jequitaia, 2382 - Água de Meninos, Salvador - BA, 40460-120 ????Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/o26t3XKBw3tDz... ????Follow me on Instagram: / chicosepulveda ????Subscribe to my channel secondary: / sepulvedaverso ????Be a member of this channel: / @chicosepulveda ????Collaborate with PIX and support me: [email protected] ????Give me your support: https://apoia.se/chicosepulveda ????Make a donation in Bitcoin or Ethereum: BTC: bc1ql5esj3ctne5gv9mqg54j4gsns280fpu3jfxqjm ETH: 0x16be8dc1D7f74c1CB2AA2e02089EA5f5fd168bc3 ???? Contact: [email protected] ???? Make your account for free at these digital banks: Mercado Pa go: http://mpago.li/2suKn9Y Banco Inter: https://www.bancointer .com.br/convite... Use the referral code: 5137083A Nubank: https://bit.ly/3aEoKco *********************** ********************************************* SPONSORS: BNP Seguros - We are specialists in MOTORCYCLE AND CAR INSURANCE ????RS/BA Offices ????We serve the whole country ???? SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR CHANNEL SUBSCRIBERS ????RS: Renan (54) 9995 50342 https://wa.me/message/BQU46DJSRVB2I1 ????www.bnpfuturo. com.br [email protected] KM Moto Shop - Accessories for the motorcyclist ????https://kmmotoshopbahia.com.br ????We ship all over Brazil ????Whatsapp: (71) 99140-0002 / 99251-4020 ????Phone: (71) 3052-9799 ???? KM Units???? ????KM Salvador - Av. Vasco da Gama, 4615 ????KM LAURO DE FREITAS - Av. Santos Dumont, 2821 ????taplink.cc/kmmotoshop RL Motos - Multi-brand mechanical workshop ????(71) 3168-4402 ????(71) 99949-4564 (WhatsApp - Daniel) ????Instagram: @rl.motos [email protected] ????Street São Cristóvão, 186, Itinga, Lauro de Freitas-BA. 42700-000 ????Map: https://goo.gl/maps/J8Kg38qWofp Mega Motos - Concessionária Dafra, Shineray and CF Moto ????Shipping all over Brazil ????www.megamotosba.com.br ???? COUPON: chicosepulveda ????Links and WhatsApp: ( 71) 3378-5509 ????www.instagram.com/megamotosba ???? Sign up to guarantee a discount on your motorcycle: https://bit.ly/megamotoschicosepulveda GV Seats Customized seats and comfort covers for all motorcycle models ????We ship worldwide Brazil ????Whatsapp: (81) 99906-7143 ????Whatsapp: (81) 999067188 ????https://linktr.ee/gvbancos ????Instagram: @gvbancos Shineray do Brasil ????Technology, economy and quality ????Motorcycles produced in Brazil ????www .shineray .com.br ????Instagram: @shineraydobrasil João Wanderley Cone Contabilidade & Negócios Accounting and Consulting in Finance and Business ????We serve all of Brazil ????WhatsApp: (81) 9240-9000 ???? www.instagram.com/joaowanderley.contador ???? https://www.conecontabilidade.com.br *** ************************************************** *************** ????[-Telegram Group-] ????https://t.me/sepulvedamotobrasil ????https://t.me/sepulvedaautos ????[-WhatsApp Group-] ???? Sepulveda AUTOS: https://bit.ly/3mj2cDf ????GROUP 4: https://bit.ly/3hx3w4b ????GROUP 3: https://bit.ly/2SZktKJ ????GROUP 2: https://bit.ly/ 3yg7vIm ????GROUP 1: https://bit.ly/3bsSiKb ????[Mobilidade Elétrica Brasil⚡] ????https://t.me/mobilidadeeletricabrasil ******************* ************************************************* # haojue #suzuki #motorcycle #chicosepulveda #automotive