The series tells the life story of Al-Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi. The events of the series begin when Al-Mukhtar's uncle, Saad bin Masoud, takes over the Emirate of Al-Madain and asks Al-Mukhtar to restore security and order to it in order to protect Imam Al-Hassan bin Ali, who will visit the Emirate. Al-Mukhtar imprisons and disciplines anyone who violates the system and tries to destabilize its security. Then the events of the series move to Kufa, and Al-Mukhtar kills the killers of Imam Al-Hussein bin Ali. ---------------------------------------- To subscribe to the channel, please click on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/@salammedia-a... ---------------------------------------- Cast: Fariborz Arabnia Farhad Aslani Mahdi Fakhimzadeh Reza Kianian Hassan Mirbagheri Mohammad Feili Reza Roygari Fariba Kosari Nasrin Moghanloo Vali Allah Shir Andami Anoushirvan Arjmand Amin Zandkani Directed by: Davoud Mirbagheri Screenplay by: Davoud Mirbagheri First broadcast in 2012 Type: Historical Drama and Action -------- Please click on the following link to watch more videos: • Yusuf Al-Siddiq (PBUH) Series --------- #Mukhtar_Thaqafi #المختار_الثقافي