"Akathist of the Mother of God - Joy of all who are troubled" is an akathist dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos, intercessor for those in suffering, troubles and trials. Through this akathist, believers find solace for their souls and strengthening of faith, asking for the help and protection of the Mother of God. Listen to this akathist with an open heart and let the grace of the Mother of God bring peace, joy and hope into your life. It is a call to prayer and gratitude for the unceasing help that the Mother of God offers to all who call upon her with faith. ???? "Rejoice, Most Holy Mother, joy of all who are troubled!" ???? Don't forget to subscribe for more prayers and spiritual resources. ???? Share this video to bring comfort to those who need the help of the Mother of God. #Akathist #MotherofGod #JoyofAllAfflicted #Prayer #Faith #DivineProtection