Thankfully, the number of channel subscribers has increased, and my daughter has been featured on Yahoo! News, giving many more opportunities to get to know her. Many people who saw my daughter for the first time seem to be curious about her physical characteristics, such as her low nose, lack of neck, and overly protruding belly. My daughter is currently paralyzed from the waist down due to surgery, but she was also strongly suspected of having a congenital bone disease. This is why her upper body is short as if it has been shrunken, she has no abdominal muscles, her belly is overflowing, and her distinctive nose is also due to this. Although a definitive diagnosis has not yet been made, her spine has been fixed by surgery, and she will not grow any taller. I receive various opinions about posting my child on social media and YouTube, but when I thought about my child's disability, my biggest concern was whether there would be anyone to help her in the future after we are gone. I don't want her to suffer alone, and I want her to show the good things she has to offer to the world. I started this with that thought in mind, but I hope that many people will understand her and continue to watch over her warmly. Thank you for your continued support ???? I can't reply to you all, but my family and I enjoy watching your videos ✨