A mother discovered that her husband is a criminal and kidnapped their son and traveled to another country, so she was exposed to a nervous shock and resorted to a genius investigator and they made a crazy plan to bring the child back. I wonder what happened!!? ^ ^ Khufiya movie summary Khufiya movie summary ^ ^ ^ ^ Khufiya 2023 movie summary Khufiya 2023 movie summary Khufiya 2023 movie summary Indian movie films Actress Tabu Tabu movie summaries Movies Action movie summaries Movies movie summary Movie summary Suspense movie summary Foreign movie with subtitles Indian movie Action movies Movie summary Summaries Indian summary Movie summary Indian movie summary Indian movie Indian movies Indian movie summary Indian movies Drama movies Drama movies A movie in the fifties EgyBest Netflix EgyBest Movies Thriller movies On movies New movies Mohamed Taher New Indian movies Movie explanation Movies of the past Movies 2024 Mystery Crime Drama Indian movies ^ ^ ^ ^ #Fifty_Movie #Fifty_Movie #Fifty_Movie #Movie_Summaries #New_Indian_Movies #Movies #Movie_Summary #Indian #Kokli #Mukhtar_Kokli