7 Signs Your HEART Is Not Well Don't Have a Heart Attack! Your Body Is Giving You SYMPTOMS! '0:00- Introduction- MILLIONS WILL DIE from a HEART ATTACK! UNLESS they KNOW IT! KEEP AN EYE ON THE 7 SIGNS! 3:18- What are the 7 signs your heart is not well? 3:25- 1st sign that something is wrong with your heart: Frank's sign 7:02- 2nd sign that something is wrong with your heart: xanthelasma 9:33- 3rd sign that your heart is not well: hair loss on your legs 12:18- 4th sign that something is wrong with your heart: arcus senilis 14:53- 5th sign that something is not right with your heart: cyanosis 17:48- 6th sign that your heart is not well: ulcers 20:44- 7th sign that your heart is not well: ulcers 23:45- 2nd part- 7 symptoms of heart problems 24:53- 1st symptom of heart problems: shortness of breath on exertion 26:00- 2nd symptom that your heart is not well: persistent cough 27:16- 3rd symptom of heart failure: shortness of breath when lying down 28:11- 4th symptom of heart failure: Generalized weakness 29:01- 5th symptom of heart problems: Nocturia 29:47- 6th symptom of heart disease: Intermittent claudication 30:49- 7th symptom of heart problems: Chest pain 33:55- Heart disease prevention - 8 steps 44:44- Questions and answers Are you taking care of your heart? In our special live, we will talk about the signs your body gives you when something is not working as it should in your heart. Many of these signs are subtle and, if ignored, can develop into serious problems, such as a heart attack or heart failure. During the live, we will address some of the most surprising signs that can indicate heart problems even before you feel chest pain. Stay alert, because identifying these signs in time can be the key to preventing serious complications. In addition, we will share valuable tips to protect your heart health, and at the end, we will answer the questions sent live. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about how to take better care of your heart and ensure a healthier and safer life. Attention: Prevention is the best medicine! If you or someone you love has experienced any of the symptoms we are going to mention, it is time to act.