To see the new episodes before everyone else and without ads: https://www.patreon.com/Marcboilard?f... www.marcboilardworld.ca Fortieth episode of my podcast "Le spécial du gestionnaire" where I discuss the business behind humor, the media and more. Each week, I receive a comedian, or someone from their entourage (manager, producer, etc.). A former comedian manager myself, I launch my guests on the "business" aspect of their work. This week I receive Jean-François Mercier, author, turned comedian, who has never been afraid of controversy. He explains his approach, his career, and his goals. We have a lively debate on the intentions of politicians, proof that Mercier knows how to debate, that he is capable of disagreeing while maintaining a friendly tone. I invited him back on the spot! / icimarcboilard Also follow my other podcast “Angle mort”, a daily audio: https://open.spotify.com/show/7CMjkvh... To see my activities and projects: https://www.marcboilard.com