SHORT COURSE IN ANTHROPOLOGY. 4. Personal singularity. What is essential to take into account in order to perceive the singularity of a person? What is the test to determine whether or not one actually understands personal singularity? I. The two “faces” of the particular. 1) Internal indivision (“inward”). 2) Distinction from everything else (“outward”). II. The “unjust” priority of the abstract. 1) In knowledge. 2) In life. III. Treating each person personally! 1) Assuming one’s own way of being to the core. 2) Accepting the way of being of others. IV. Becoming who one is. 1) Our “best” version. 2) A dishonest vileness? 3) From and for love. @tomasmelendogranados7578 (The same topic, better explained, cheap online family master's degree Edufamilia UPAEP, anthropological orientation, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of the family, www.edufamilia.com; www.masterenfamilias.com) https://edufamilia.com/7-familia-la-a...