The First Battle of Fallujah, also known as Operation Vigilant Resolve, took place in 2004 and was led by the U.S. Marines. The battle began in retaliation for consecutive attacks in the area, including the brutal killings of four private military contractors. Fierce fighting lasted for a month before U.S. forces withdrew from the city and handed control over to the Fallujah Brigade. The little-known battle was a key element during Operation Iraqi Freedom. ► 😍BECOME A VIP MEMBER OF THE CHANNEL: / @almanaquemilitar ► 👉SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: / @almanaquemilitar ► 💪SUPPORT THE MILITAR ALMANAC: https://apoia.se/almanaquemilitar ►PIX: [email protected] ►CONTACT: https://linktr.ee/almanaquemilitar ►SITE: https://almanaquemilitar.com.br/ ► Follow and interact with us on instagram: / almanaquemilitar ►Telegram Group: https://t.me/almanaquemilitaroficial ---------- TO FIND OUT MORE, BUY WITH DISCOUNT: From House to House in Fallujah by David Bellavia: https://amzn.to/3L2sV21 Irregular warfare: Terrorism, guerrilla warfare and resistance movements throughout history: https://amzn.to/3gfSui3 The Battle of Mogadishu by Matt Eversmann: https://amzn.to/3gziO7b ---------- SEE ALSO: INTERVIEW WITH DAVID WISNIA, AUSCHWITZ CAMP SURVIVOR AND RESCUED BY THE DIV. 101st AIRBORNE: • Video NATO X RUSSIA: UNDERSTANDING THE CONFLICT IN UKRAINE AND THE RISK OF A NEW WAR IN EUROPE: • NATO X RUSSIA: UNDERSTANDING THE CONFLICT ... SPECIAL FORCES: MACV-SOG, THE DEADLIEST SPECIAL UNIT OF THE VIETNAM WAR (AND IN HISTORY!): • SPECIAL OPERATIONS: MACV-SOG, THE DEADLIEST UNIT... OPERATION FLIPPER: THE SECRET MISSION TO ASSASSINATE THE 'DESERT FOX', ERWIN ROMMEL: • OPERATION FLIPPER: THE SECRET MISSION TO... ---------- #FALLUJAH #IRAQ #USA