Message delivered by @PrOsielGomes on the 20th Anniversary of ADMSASP. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: / @admsasp FOLLOW OUR INSTAGRAM: / admsasp LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE: / admsaspoficial We are the Assembly of God Missions, a church of the WORD and the HOLY SPIRIT! You are welcome to participate in our programs and be part of our family. Our Pillars: Unity Holy Spirit Word Faith Our Services: Sunday at 6pm / Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30pm Our Address: R. Juquiá, 480, Jardim Cristiane, Santo André/SP - 09185-235 CONTRIBUTE TO BRADESCO MISSIONS PIX E-MAIL: [email protected] BANK TRANSFER Banco Bradesco Agency: 2422 Checking Account: 17.031-3 2024 YEAR OF RENEWAL! #prosielgomes #osielgomes #preachingosielgomes