⭐️You can sign up for the "LinkUp Free Study Session" via LINE, where you can learn the correct way to study English⭐️ ↓ https://liff.line.me/2006311463-K5g0g... To get an AI prompt, just send "AI" in the chat! In addition, there are things like grammar rules you absolutely must remember, and a [beginners must] English vocabulary and phrasebook, so please use them to study. LinkUp Inc. Homepage: https://linkup-english.co.jp/ Please follow us too. Instagram: /english_hina X: /hina_toeic [Table of Contents] 00:00 Introduction 01:40 AI X Speaking 03:48 English ordering role-play 07:02 Overseas travel role-play 10:47 AI X Listening 16:29 AI X Reading 18:10 Vocabulary learning efficiency 19:41 Vocabulary review method 20:24 Instant English composition 21:22 Journaling 22:58 Summary #Fluent #English #Self-study #Completely self-study #Vocabulary book #Grammar #Shadowing #Systan #Kinfure #English learning method #TOEIC #Eiken #English conversation #Study abroad #No study abroad #Working holiday #Listening #Speaking #Perfect score #English grammar #English vocabulary #How to study English #Learning English