We often talk about the challenges that agriculture faces, and first and foremost is certainly water management. On the one hand, the need for sustainable use of water resources; on the other, the impact of climate change. However, it is not just about water: land management and soil impoverishment are also crucial aspects, with a significant role in hydrogeological instability phenomena. Cia - Agricoltori Italiani, in collaboration with Anbi (Associazione Nazionale delle Bonifiche), has dedicated an entire day of study to these issues. The morning was characterized by a conference with speeches by high-profile experts, such as meteorologist Luca Lombroso, Giuseppe Corti of CREA and Mario Angelo Neve, full professor of geography. Also speaking were Gianni Razzano, director of CIA Emilia Romagna, and Francesco Vincenzi, national president of Anbi, as well as Stefano Francia, president of Cia Emilia Romagna. The afternoon saw the holding of a round table, where several interlocutors had the opportunity to discuss these crucial issues. The video provides an account of the day and the testimonies collected during the event. 00:00 theme song 01:11 Luca Lombroso, AMPRO meteorologist 03:05 Giuseppe Corti, director of CREA Agriculture and environment 07:30 Francesco Vincenzi, president of ANBI 09:52 Stefano Calderoni, vice president of ANBI 11:59 Stefano Francia, president of Cia Emilia Romagna 13:40 Cristiano Fini, national president of Cia . SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL FOR NEW VIDEOS! .