Who do we become based on the way we practice psychology? In today's episode, we dive into an essential conversation: the mental health of those who care for their mental health. We reflect on our experiences in clinical practice and how we deal with our way of being psychologists. We talk about the challenges of training, which often leads us to forget that we exist as human beings, just as in need of care as those who seek us out. In phenomenology, we understand therapy as a space to free people for themselves. But what about us? Can we free ourselves from the place where we have been placed so many times, as if we were invulnerable, neutral or on the sidelines of the therapeutic process? We also discussed the myth of professional neutrality. Does this possible distance disconnect us from the authentic encounter that therapy requires? It is important to emphasize that being psychologists is just a part of who we are. And, bringing a contribution from the wonderful Simone de Beauvoir: “Let nothing define us, let nothing subject us. Let freedom be our very substance, since to live is to be free.” Let's question, reflect and deconstruct together?