What can I do to have 100 heifers on 5 hectares? These are heifers from beef cattle rearing on a small property, using a fertilized and irrigated rotational grazing project. The entire rural property is larger, but this rotational grazing is only on 5 hectares. Here, we used a pasture irrigation technique that is widely used in conjunction with rotational grazing. This pasture irrigation technique greatly increases the profits of beef cattle farming, requiring investment. We also talked about pasture management, which is a pasture that improves the quality of the pasture. This rotational grazing project is of great quality and serves as inspiration for any rural producer who wants to implement a pasture irrigation system. When you use irrigation, you greatly improve the grass and pasture for beef cattle, greatly increasing productivity. ►FREE RURAL PROJECT LINK IN PDF: https://projetorural.com.br/projeto-g... ►CONTACT us on WhatsApp to make your RURAL PROJECT - https://bit.ly/3vvaaNX - (14) 99882-3154 Hello friend, welcome to PRO Rural, the largest profitable livestock channel in Brazil. Transform your rural property and achieve profitable livestock farming PRO Rural's mission is to transform the livestock market in Brazil by bringing knowledge to producers and professionals through courses. ►TELEGRAM LINK to INCREASE the PROFITABILITY of YOUR RURAL PROPERTY: https://t.me/pro_rural ►SUBSCRIBE TO YOUTUBE HERE / pro rural - prof. cledson garcia and ACTIVATE the channel's NOTIFICATIONS. ►VIDEO LINK: • 100 BREEDING HEIFERS in 5 HECTARES ... ►RELATED VIDEOS: 16 DAIRY COWS per HECTARE - ROTATIONAL GRAZING - PIVOT - • 16 DAIRY COWS per HECTARE - GRAZING ... ROTATIONAL and IRRIGATED GRAZING PROJECT IN PROGRESS #PART1 - • ROTATIONAL and IRRIGATED GRAZING PROJECT ... 7 COWS per HECTARE - IRRIGATED ROTATIONAL GRAZING for SMALL PROPERTIES #PART1 - • 7 COWS per HECTARE - ROTATIONAL GRAZING ... ►PRO RURAL is a company specialized in rural projects, and our goal is to help you improve the profitability of your property, passing on knowledge so that you learn more about agriculture and livestock and can apply it in practice ►Social networks: Website: www.projetorural.com.br Instagram: www.instagram.com/pro.rural Facebook: / projetorural Telegram: https://t.me/pro_rural ►NOTE: THE VIDEOS DO NOT REPLACE THE NEED FOR A PROFESSIONAL IN THE RURAL AREA: ANIMAL TECHNICIAN, AGRONOMIST OR VETERINARIAN. FOR MORE IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS, HIRE A PROFESSIONAL IN THE RURAL AREA.