www.apoloniagrade.com.br, passion is in the air, in hearts, on the website, choose your perfect match! Dating, Adenium, passion, love, Desert Rose, flirting, flirting, sowing, holding hands, the small seedling, the first kiss, the first flowering, dinner by candlelight, pruning by moonlight, a glass of champagne , a pinch of fertilizer, a spice in the relationship, a special graft. Valentine's month, plant month, people month. Ask me out... A collection, made from desert rose cuttings! Why not? Let's leave prejudice and discrimination aside! It may start out skinny, but it comes out ahead when it comes to flowers, because a cutting that has taken root already blooms to put on a show. If the flower is simple, we practice grafting with it without fear and without trauma -ah, if it's a seed plant, our hands shake more. If you do a careful replanting, we can make the roots wrap around a stone, for example, and make it more beautiful... There are many reasons to love cuttings... there will be a complement, tomorrow, the second part, follow us!