New Terra Nova substrate phone numbers: (46) 2601 0135 and WhatsApp (46) 99975 4627 And the Mother's Day promotion, that wonderful little coupon that reduces the price of all products on the website by 12.5%, is here, very well explained, how to use it in your order. Oh, it will be valid until the last day of May, until midnight on 05/31/2020 to give you time to take advantage of it! So, I'll be waiting for you on the website, www.apoloniagrade.com.br and I wish you the best of luck in the next draw, when your comment will be very important! REPLANTING THE DESERT ROSE: Annual replanting renews the substrate, which becomes washed by watering, compacted, and acidified. In addition, only replanting to make sure that everything is okay INSIDE THE POT = in this case, I wasn't expecting it, and the root mealybug was taking over! To replant, WANING MOON, in this phase of the lunar cycle, the sap of the plants is in a downward movement, from the crown to the root, which favors the formation and development of a beautiful, robust, fat, well-shaped caudex. It is also time to fertilize, and the best fertilizer at this time is simple superphosphate, with it we give extra strength to have an even more beautiful caudex. And for the rest, stay with us, this week we will replant every day, okay?