Treatment of carotid artery atherosclerosis. About conservative and surgical methods in this video. ▶ ???? https://short.clinic/5khad-13 ◀ Sign up for a consultation at the Hadassah Clinic at the link. Find out about the cost of Hadassah Clinic services at the link: https://short.clinic/hadassah-price ???????????? Deep vein thrombosis: what to do, how to treat? • ???? How to cure deep vein thrombosis, ... Diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities • ???? Diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis ... Bowel cancer - how to recognize? • ???? Colon cancer - how to recognize, f... Learn more about the treatment of carotid artery atherosclerosis - Subscribe to the Hadassah Clinic channel https://short.clinic/hadassah-subscribe ???? Click on the numbers to navigate the video time. → 0:00 One of the manifestations of atherosclerosis is also damage to the brachiocephalic arteries. These are the so-called carotid arteries, which are responsible for the blood supply to the brain. As a rule, atherosclerosis also affects these arteries. What does this lead to? Patients begin to complain of dizziness, tinnitus, episodes of loss of consciousness. Some of the patients have already had manifestations such as transient ischemic attacks, when it darkens in the eyes and the patient may lose consciousness for a short period of time, speech is impaired, or an arm or leg becomes numb. A more formidable addition is the so-called ischemic stroke. This is all due to atherosclerosis, which affects the vessels of the brain. Atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries how to treat. → 0:46 How is it treated? As a rule, first they diagnose. This is an ultrasound duplex scan, which will also show us the percentage of stenosis and the blood flow velocity, at what speed the blood of the brain flows. If there are obstacles, the blood flow velocity is increased, this indicates an indirect sign of damage to the carotid arteries. For more detailed visualization, we also prescribe a CT scan with contrast, which will tell us where exactly the affected area of the vessel is located, the plaque, its size, its nature, embologenicity and the percentage, how much it closes the lumen of the vessel. This already for the surgeon who is engaged in treatment, says that the patient needs surgical treatment. Atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries. 1:35 → Surgery here is also divided into carotid endarterectomy or carotid artery replacement. When the stenosis is more pronounced, more than 90% and it is impossible to do an endarterectomy or put the same stent, then carotid artery prosthetics is done, blood flow is restored. If the percentage is 60-70 and there are symptoms, that is, all the above complaints prevail, then the patient, in principle, can be helped endovascularly, that is, also without an incision. Well, the classic method is eversion endarterectomy. When there is an embologenic plaque, the percentage is more than 70-80%, with the presence of thrombosis of the same parietal and there are symptoms, then this category of patients needs their surgical treatment of chronic cerebral ischemia in order to prevent a stroke in the future, either hemorrhagic or ischemic. Atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries how to treat. GULAEV OLEG GEORGIEVICH Head of the Cardiovascular Surgery Department at Hadassah Clinic, cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist ???? Official website: https://hadassah.moscow/ ???? Address: 121205, Moscow, Skolkovo Innovation Center, Bolshoy Boulevard, 46, building 1. ???? Phone: +7 (499) 112 23 05 ???? Working hours: 8:00 - 20:00, Mon-Sun ???? E-mail: [email protected] We invite you to our groups in social networks: ???? Telegram: https://t.me/Hadassah_Medical_Moscow ???? VKontakte: https://vk.com/hadassah_moscow ???? Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5d5ab888f0d4... Prepared by Hadassah Medical Moscow, together with https://youupvideo.ru #phlebology, #Treatmentofatherosclerosisofthecarotid arteries, #Hadassah_Medical_Moscow There are contraindications, a specialist consultation is required //5KHAD.13