The story begins in ancient Egypt, 3,000 years ago, where wizards face the legendary Zork, who constantly threatens the country. To defend themselves, they resort to the magic of a forbidden book, which teaches how to create the powerful Millennium Relics. Pharaoh Aknamkanon, in conflict with other nations, decides to use these relics, unaware of the high price to pay. The creation of the relics results in seven powerful items: the Millennium Puzzle, Millennium Eye, Millennium Ring, Millennium Scale, Millennium Key, Millennium Scepter and Millennium Necklace. Each relic has unique abilities, such as granting wishes, reading minds, finding other relics, judging hearts, opening souls, controlling minds and seeing through time. Those responsible for defending the relics, members of the royal lineage, do not realize that by creating them, they are releasing the power of Zork, a creature that feeds on darkness. Meanwhile, a young boy named Bákura witnesses his people being slaughtered by the Pharaoh, fueling his hatred. Zork takes possession of Bákura, promising dark revenge. #historiayugioh #resumoyugioh #yugioh ⏫⏫⏫ ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤ CLICK HERE ➤ jhoeldepaula.com ???? ???? Video you may like: ???????? ???? NARUTO SUMMARY: • NARUTO SUMMARY (Timeline) ... ???? ONE PIECE SUMMARY: • ONE PIECE SUMMARY (The complete story... ???? ATTACK ON TITAN SUMMARY: • ATTACK ON TITAN SUMMARY HISTORY CO... ???? KNIGHTS OF THE SEIZU SUMMARY: • KNIGHTS OF THE SEIZU SUMMARY (Timeline) ... ???? BLEACH SUMMARY: • BLEACH SUMMARY BLEACH (Timeline) ... ???? DEMON SLAYER SUMMARY: • DEMON SLAYER SUMMARY (Chronological order) ... ???? ???? Important Links ???????? ________________________________________________________ ✌ Be a member of this channel and be featured in the comments: / @animenokokoro ????Twitter: / animenokokoro1 ???? Send me your question on Insta: / canal.ank Don't forget to leave LIKE and subscribe to the channel and activate the CRAP BELL ???? ________________________________________________________ ???? Made by: / jhoeldepaula —- ANIME NO KOKORO © —- ???????????? PAY ATTENTION! ???????????? { COPYRIGHT FAIR USE NOTICE, Title 17, US Code (Sections 107-118 of the copyright law): All media in this video is used for the purpose of review & commentary under terms of fair use. All footage, music & images used belong to their respective companies. }