Get SUPER SHARP PHOTOS in just 4 STEPS. Useful resources to get the MAXIMUM SHARPNESS from your camera and lenses. I also tell you how to solve each of the elements so that you get the maximum sharpness from your photography equipment. ???? My website. With gifts for your growth as a photographer: https://fotopasion.es/ ???? How to hold the camera correctly: • How to Hold ????[the camera] well... ???? How to manage the ISO WELL: • ???? Common MISTAKE. When you SHOULD raise the ... Taking sharp photos is one of the goals we set ourselves every time we press the shutter button on the camera. With this tutorial you will better understand the factors that influence whether a photo comes out more or less sharp. I trust that it will be so, that it will help you enjoy photography even more and that you will get to better understand how to take super sharp photos. HAPPY PHOTOS!