The Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game anime has been running for a long time since the first game, and in that long history, a surprising number of broken cards have appeared! This time, we'll be introducing some of those "broken cards that would be banned immediately if they were made into an Official Card Game!" Which cards from the anime do you think are broken? Let us know in the comments! [Table of Contents] 0:00 Farce 0:47 Cards from Heaven 2:37 Philosopher's Stone - Sabatiel 4:35 Elemental Hero Bubble Man 5:48 Dark Energy 6:45 No.69 Coat of Arms 8:15 No.39 Beyond the Hope 9:15 Supreme Dragon Zarc 10:35 Time Goddess's Mischief 11:37 Binding Ivy Castle 12:32 Cards of Destiny 13:12 Great Flood 13:59 Rainbow Serpent Eingana 14:48 Phantom Door 16:00 Chaos End Ruler - Ruler of Creation and Demise - 17:28 Yomi Tenrin 19:40 Summary #Yu-Gi-Oh #Slowly explained Song: "Fierce Duelists" Composed by: Mitsumune Nobuyoshi Sound source created by the alternatively • ????Fierce Duelists This audio can be downloaded from the following website. (This is a JASRAC-trusted song, so only paid members can download it.) Please check the link for details on usage. http://commons.nicovideo.jp/material/... Song: "Kritius no Kiba" Composer: Mitsumune Nobuyoshi Sound source created by the alternatively • ????Kritius no Kiba This audio can be downloaded from the following website. (This is a JASRAC-trusted song, so only paid members can download it.) Please check the link for details on usage. http://commons.nicovideo.jp/material/...