NEW ELECTRICIAN WEEK: https://eletr.co/o-novo-eletricista/ ⚡️ FREE CLASS: How to Do a Complete Electrical Installation from Scratch, Easily, Even if You Are Not a Professional Electrician: ➽ https://eletr.co/aula?utm_content=yt1... ------ 📣 FAAALA ENGEHALL COMMUNITY 📣 Join our community on WhatsApp to receive valuable tips and news in the electrical area, important information and much more. 😉 👉 https://eletr.co/fala-eng?utm_content= ------ Did you like this video? 😍 ✔️ Leave your comment and share with your friends ✔️ Follow our networks ➽ https://eletr.co/links - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 👉 NR10 Course with 20% discount ➽ https://eletr.co/nr10?utm_content=yt1... ------ Well, for those who don't know yet, this season we are doing two electrical installations at the same time... we are doing all the electrical part of the house and the Garagem Estúdio, which is a warehouse, there in Serra Negra in the state of SP to serve our friend Leandro Torneiro! So far, we have installed the QGBT in the input standard, we have passed the power supply network, we have done the complete infrastructure of the shed and the wooden part of the house, we have already passed the cables and closed the sockets, switches and lighting and we have done the grounding system of these two installations, even showing the physical effort of our subscribers in carrying out this task, right? So we have arrived at the most important part and the one that I particularly like the most, which is the assembly of the distribution board. In today's video, I will show you the step by step of how the QDC of Leandrão's house was assembled, and I will also explain how we turned the TT grounding into a TN inside our distribution board. While I was hands-on, I also started to crimp and organize the Neutral cables on the busbar, remembering that we are going to equipotentialize this board as well, we are going to transform the TT grounding into TN, so stay tuned because I will explain this later and take the opportunity to share this class in the electrical groups on WhatsApp or even on Facebook that you participate in, help us spread more knowledge, my dear. Guys, it wasn't because I put it together, but this QDC turned out really cool, to be honest. Leandrão and his family are definitely well protected now. And you, what did you think of the way this board was put together? Let me know in the comments. And since you're probably scrolling down this page to read the comments, check out the pinned comment and the description, there's a link called NEW ELECTRICIAN PROFESSORSHIP WEEK. Click on this link and you'll go straight to the registration page for this online event that will take place next week here at Engehall. Those who participate will not only acquire new knowledge that goes unnoticed by 98% of regular electricians, but will also get a certificate of participation at the end of the week! So if you're tired of losing budget to Joe Sparkle and are looking to earn a specialist salary next year, mark your calendars for November 16-18. I'll be live showing you this path to take on the profession as a new electrician. I'm waiting for you, click on the link and register for free. Today's video is here. In the next episode, we'll have a new assembly here on the channel. For the first time, we'll show the assembly of a three-phase distribution panel with a herringbone busbar. This was the model used in the warehouse. Don't miss it. Below, you'll see the little square that takes you directly to the official website for the new electrician's profession week. Click on it to register, and next to it, you already know... I'll leave you the complete playlist for this sixth season of DIRETO DA OBRA. Click here and enjoy our video classes. Big hug and see you in the next episode, folks!