Buy at the official store: https://GaleraDoBrilho.com.br TO SCHEDULE A SERVICE: • WHATSAPP VENETO: https://bit.ly/ZapVeneto • VENETO PHONE: 11 2097-8804 Find out all about VENETO: https://venetostudio.com.br/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I know how much a yellowed headlight harms the look of a car, and that's why we thought of a way for you to be able to solve it at home, without needing machines or polishing, and besides that it is a much more lasting and efficient way, I myself am impressed every time we do a service like this, the result is simply phenomenal! Don't let your car look aged, follow this tip and then tell us how it turned out in your case! Join our channel on Telegram: https://bit.ly/TelegramVeneto - Audios, Exclusive Tips, Alerts about Lives, Spreadsheets and much more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WANT TO BUY AUTOMOTIVE AESTHETICS PRODUCTS? Visit the Galera do Brilho store website: https://bit.ly/LojaGaleradoBrilho Products used in the video: V-Light Pro 50ml - https://bit.ly/VonixxVLightPRO50ml Revelax - https://bit.ly/VonixxRevelax Sandpaper - https://bit.ly/lixasdiversas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow us on Instagram: / venetostudio BE PART OF GALERA DO BRILHO - http://bit.ly/31vAisz Share the video with your friends: • HOW TO RESTORE A YELLOWED HEADLIGHT EASY... #farolamarelado #restauração My name is Tarcisio Vaglieri and today I am also known as Veneto, I have always had a passion for cars but I was only able to enter this market after trying several other things. I started dry cleaning in 2014 and after a few years I realized my dream and opened Lotus Estética Automotiva, a garage for 2 cars that served almost 1,000. A very special friend suggested YouTube to me but I was always embarrassed, because I liked what I did so much that I did it with shame. After a while it started to get better. Lotus became Veneto when I was sued by another company, a period of darkness that didn't last long because I came back with full force and started investing much more energy in our channel. In 2020, with the incredible help of special people, Galera do Brilho was created, and we haven't stopped since, we are increasingly passionate about cars, about taking care of your assets, about doing good, about making them shine! And our story continues to be written, we will be eternal learners seeking to share what we know and what we do with so much passion! 00:00 - Introduction 00:50 - Necessary Products 01:54 - Abrasion/Sanding Process 05:05 - Headlight Cleaning 05:45 - Protection Application (V-Light) 07:56 - Moment of Truth 08:15 - #zerovirgulazero Headlight 08:45 - Final Tips 09:26 - Tip for Cleaning the Applicator 09:53 - Final Comparison Result