Conversation with truck drivers telling a little about each one's day to day on the road, they talked about values and how the service is going, I took the opportunity to get tips from Saider because there are new things coming... thanks for always strengthening the like and helping us in the comments, thanks Bastion 🫶 Follow me on Instagram daily content, questions and answers.. 👇👇⬇️⬇️ INSTAGRAM®️ https://www.instagram.com/mit_muricoc... =pt-br also follow the FACEBOOK page 👇👇👇✔️ exclusive content.. / mit-muri%c3%a7oca-553782875007011 And don't forget to follow our partners: Buy parts 👇🏻 https://www.comprepecasacabamentos.co... Elber refrigerator 👇🏻 https://conteudo.elber.ind.br/mit Fretebras👇🏻 https://fretebras.onelink.me/hyS0/mit