What is your name? Do you think the name you have now is a coincidence? Have you ever wondered what effect your name has on your life? Our name is not just a random word, every word we utter creates a special vibration in the world. Names are no exception to this rule. Every time you say or hear your name, you activate this special vibration, a unique vibration that is unique to you. Imagine your name is a song. A very special song that is played only for you in this world. And like a personal signature, it distinguishes you from everyone else, this song affects everything in your life; from your feelings to the events that happen to you. Related video links: The secret hidden in the year you were born! (Personality test) • The secret hidden in the year you were born! (Personality Test... With this subliminal, program your subconscious for wealth! (Sigmund Freud) • With this subliminal, program your subconscious for... ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Timing of different parts of the video 0:00 Introduction 1:18 Our name is our first identity 2:56 How to get power from our name? 5:37 How to bless our name? 7:18 Repel evil with the blessing of the name! 8:46 Practical solution ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #moneymaking #getrich #subconsciousmind #hypnotism #belief #attractwealth #attractlove #success #positivefrequency #telepathy #affirmativephrases #changebeliefs #attractionfrequency #parallelworld #tesla #lawofattraction