Philosophical Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence: Old and New Problems. With Vaso Kinti, Professor of Philosophy of Science and Analytic Philosophy, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens December 11, 2024 at Alba Graduate Business School. The reaction to developments associated with the development of artificial intelligence is characterized either by awe at the magnitude of the possibilities (already given or assumed) or by fear at the potential impacts and the unknown of the changes. Philosophy can address the concerns that have been raised with more composure because similar issues to those raised today in relation to artificial intelligence have already been discussed in philosophical literature. Whether, for example, Large Language Models (LLMs) think is a problem analogous to whether animals, which have in the past been considered mere automatons, think. How we can distinguish humans from machines has also been debated (while humans themselves have been considered machines). The issues of authenticity, originality and creativity are not being raised for the first time today, while the ethical problems related to privacy, accountability, transparency, prejudice, intellectual property, etc. are variations of old problems. The inference of theories from a multitude of data is also an old practice. What is different from the past in all of this is the volume and speed. The fact that these issues have been debated does not mean that definitive answers have been given. But it does mean that philosophy can offer us ways of handling them so that we can examine them coolly, in their proper dimensions. About the speaker Vaso Kinti is Professor of Philosophy of Science and Analytic Philosophy in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1998-2024). She has taught at Deree College from 1991 to 1998. She has a degree in Chemistry from the National University of Athens (1981) and a PhD in Philosophy and History of Science from the National Technical University of Athens (1991). She has been a Visiting Scholar at the Universities of Princeton (1998, 2008) and Chicago (2004). She has published books as well as papers in international and Greek scientific journals on topics of philosophy of science, philosophy of history, ethics, the work of Kuhn, Wittgenstein, Collingwood, and conceptual change. Her most recent book is The Philosophy of History (Polis 2021) which will be published in English by Bloomsbury. Since 2019, she has been Editor-in-Chief of the journal International Studies in Philosophy of Science and was elected as the representative of Greece (together with V. Karasmanis) on the Steering Committee of FISP (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie 2024-). She was the director of the Postgraduate Program in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (2022-2024) and the director of the Department of Philosophy and Theory of Science of the Faculty of Philosophy (2017-2019). She was a member of the Foundation Council of the National University of Athens from 2012-2015 and a member of the Gender Equality Committee of the National University of Athens (2020-2023). She was a member of the National Council for Research, Technology and Innovation (ESETEK, 2019-2023), national representative to the European Research Council (ERC, 2021-2023) and to the “Pan-European Platform for Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education (ETINED)” of the Council of Europe (2020-2024). She is a member of the “Advisory Committee on Artificial Intelligence”. She coordinated the University 2030 Committee of the Bodossaki Foundation (2020-21) and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Lilian Voudouri Foundation. She is a founding member of the Hellenic Society of Women Academics and a member of its Board of Directors (2011-2022). She frequently writes articles in the press on issues of public interest concerning philosophy and academic policy.