Rutger meets people who have called themselves nationalists for a long time and have gone so far in this that they have come into contact with the Justice Department. But there are also young people who find this ideology attractive. One of them is Mathijs, a conservative Christian who comes from a reformed family of eleven, with very clear, 'old-fashioned' ideas about the role of women in our society. #powned #rutgerendenationalisten #extreemrechts Check out the entire episode now on NPO Start! https://npo.nl/start/serie/rutger-en-... 🚨 Support PowNed, become a member: https://www.helpmee.tv 📺 For more fantastic content, also check out our YouTube channel PowNews! / @pownews ⭐ Discover more of PowNed on our website and socials! ► Website: https://www.powned.tv ► Facebook: https://www.fb.com/OmroepPowNed ► Instagram: / omroeppowned ► TikTok: / omroeppownedofficial ► Twitter: / powned 📨 Tip for the editors? Mail to [email protected]