'To understand the present, you have to learn something from the past.' With these words, macro-economist Edin Mujagiç aims his arrows this time – in the context of the week of economics education – at the economic past. Why is that so important? 'Each of us makes decisions at many moments in life that have a lot to do with the economy.' Read his column here: https://www.bnr.nl/column/columns-opi... Do you need more BNR in your life? Then also check out our podcasts and articles: https://www.bnr.nl/ Follow us on other social media: Instagram: / bnrnieuwsradio TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZML5nvq2A/ Twitter: / bnr Facebook: / bnr.nieuwsradio LinkedIn: / bnr-nieuwsradio Download the BNR app: https://www.bnr.nl/app Thumbnail: Unsplash