2025 has started... and how are you feeling? Is it the same as 2024? Did you promise to lose weight again at the turn of the year? Have you lost, gained, lost, gained weight, how many times in the last few years? Has this ever happened to you? How long are you going to put up with living this back and forth? Did you know that it's not just about aesthetics and the kilos on the scale? The yo-yo effect can cause irreversible damage to your health and prevent you from losing weight forever. That's why the day has come to say enough! Enough of the yo-yo effect, come learn with me how to end this enemy of your weight loss with what I'm going to teach you in the live broadcast on 06/01 at 11:27. [It will not be recorded] Take advantage and invite all the women who are important to you to be live with us! 2025: IT'S THE YEAR OF YOUR WEIGHT LOSS ???????????? From January 13th to 19th, Women's Weight Loss Week will air! An unprecedented event, 100% online and free, consisting of 4 classes where I will explain the only way for you to eliminate up to 20kg in 45 days in a 100% natural way. To participate you need to register. Click on the link in the BIO @renanbotelhodr or https://bit.ly/SEFbioyt24, register and redeem your WEIGHT LOSS MAP and receive the PRE-DIAGNOSIS of your Health by email.