Today at La Finquita Bonita we are going to transplant the eggplant plants to the garden bed. In addition, we will show you how to plant a basil plant and we will explain why it is essential to have it in your garden 🌱🍆 LIKE for more Videos at LA FINQUITA BONITA ♥ Subscribe and You Will Never Be Sad Again! → / @lafinquitabonita INSTAGRAM: / lafinquitabonita sandra cires art, sandra cires vlog, sadra cires's finquta bonita garden, sandra cires art at la finquita bonita, how to transplant eggplant, growing pink bianca eggplant, why plant basil in the garden, grow basil, garden at la finquita bonita, basil cultivation, eggplant transplant, how to plant basil, benefits of basil in the garden, eggplant cultivation, how to transplant eggplant, basil as a repellent in the garden