How to find a job in Japan? What are the options? Grab a pen and paper, I'll explain it to you in this video! Useful links Types of visa: https://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/v... Italian Embassy in Tokyo: https://ambtokyo.esteri.it/ambasciata... Japanese Embassy in Italy: https://www.it.emb-japan.go.jp/itprto... Chamber of Commerce: https://iccj.or.jp/it/ Subscribe to the channel to receive the official emoticons and support my work: / @vivigiappone Videos from Japan every week! Youtube: / ayasustanan Instagram: / vivi_giappone Twitch: / vivigiapponetwitch Telegram Channel: https://t.me/vivigiappone Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/H-GqAEEdv0c4VXz... Facebook: / vivigiappone Facebook Group: / vivigiappone #Japan #work #japanese Working in Japan: how to do it? - Vivi Giappone 00:00 How do I go and live in Japan? 01:11 What do I need? 01:43 Tourist visa 03:11 Many different paths 03:35 Looking for work from Italy? 04:29 The classic method! 04:55 The costs 07:28 Part-time 07:58 Renting a house 09:25 Other miscellaneous expenses 09:44 Looking for work in Japan 10:59 Where to get information 11:16 Many variables 12:36 You need to have a plan! 13:38 Other final tips and greetings Japan,Japan,Live Japan,Living in Japan,Italians in Japan,Davide Bitti,work in Japan,working in Japan,finding work in Japan,looking for work in Japan,how to find work in Japan,Japan work,work Tokyo,finding work in Tokyo,working in Tokyo,moving to Japan,going to live in Japan,searching for work Japan,Tokyo work,work in Tokyo