Wise words of Shahabuddin Suhravardi Scholars are evil and oppressors, what they don't have is the pain of religion


Tabeshe Hagh (تابش حق)

Published on Sep 20, 2024
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The wise words of Shahabuddin Suhravardi (Sheikh Asharq) The rulers and officials are cruel and oppressive, scholars are busy with their own work, what they don't have is the pain of religion Shahab al-Din Yahya ibn Habash ibn Amirak Abulfatuh Suhrawardi, nicknamed Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi, known as Sheikh Eshraq, the Slain Sheikh, and the Martyr Sheikh 549-587 AH, 1154-1191 AD, was a famous Iranian philosopher. He is from the city of Sohrward, Zanjan. He is one of the greatest philosophers in the history of Iran who revived the wisdom of Khosravani in ancient Iran. Shahabuddin Sohravardi was born in the year 549 AH 1154 AD in the village of Sohravard Zanjan. He studied elementary education which included wisdom, logic and principles of jurisprudence under Fakhr Razi's teacher Majaduddin Jili in Maragheh and excelled in legal and philosophical sciences and with his intellectual intelligence and good thinking he gained knowledge of many sciences. After that, Suhravardi went to Isfahan, which was the most important scientific and intellectual center in Iran at that time, and completed his formal education in the presence of Zahir al-Din Qari. It is known in the reports that one of his fellow students, Fakhreddin Razi, who was one of the biggest opponents of philosophy, because shortly after that time, and after the death of Suhrvardi, they gave him a copy of his book Talvihat, he kissed it and remembered his old classmate. Maragheh shed tears. After completing his formal education, Suhrvardi traveled inside Iran and visited many Sufism sheikhs. In fact, it was during this period that Suhrvardi became fascinated with the path of Sufism and spent long periods of retreat, worship and meditation. He also expanded his travels and reached Anatolia and the Levant, and he was reportedly fascinated by the scenery of the Levant in present-day Syria. In one of his trips, he went from Damascus to Aleppo, where he met with Malik Zahir, the son of Salah al-Din Ayubi (a famous Muslim leader in the crusades). Malik Zahir, who had a strong love for Sufis and scholars, was fascinated by this young sage and asked him to stay at his court in Aleppo. Sohravardi, who had a strong love for the scenery of that country, happily accepted Malik Zahir's offer and stayed in his court. It was in this city of Aleppo that he finished his great work, that is, wisdom and enlightenment. However, his blunt and careless speech in expressing his inner beliefs in front of everyone, and his cleverness and great intelligence which caused him to argue with anyone and win over him, as well as his mastery in philosophy and Sufism, were among the factors. which created a lot of enemies for Suhrawardi, especially among the elite scholars. Finally, on the pretext that he was saying words against the principles of religion, they asked Malik Zahir to kill him, and when he refused to answer their request, Salah al-Din Ayyubi They filed a complaint. The fanatics accused him of atheism and the scholars of Aleppo considered his blood permissible. His accusation was declared to be against the divine laws. His request was submitted. For this reason, his son Malik Zahir was under pressure and had to throw Suhrawardi into prison on 5 Rajab 587 AH, and the Sheikh died there. He was 38 years old at the time of his death and his grave is in Imam Suhrawardi Mosque in Aleppo city. The direct cause of his death is not known (of course, it is known that Suhrawardi was burned in the skin of a donkey by Shams Tabrizi (582-645 AH), a contemporary of Shahabuddin Yahya Suhrawardi). 549-587 AH) gave another reason and narration of his murder in the articles, Malik Zahir said to Suhrawardi, "What do you know about the army?" He looked above and below the armies standing, naked swords, people with awe in the door and the roof and the hall, standing and in the treasury. The effect of fire was in his heart that he wanted to show the incident before investigating Shahab's grudge He was envious in his heart, and they said, "Let him write a letter to me. When he reads the letter, he will take it away, and the machinations of his enemies will be revealed to him." You said the title of Malik. He told them that they licked his blood. You provoked two or three of them. Suhrawardi's behavior was not without strangeness, as he was withdrawn from society and used to arguing and arguing. Maybe if he didn't have this desire, he wouldn't have been forced to expose his lordship, and he wouldn't have aroused the prejudice of the people and he wouldn't have risked his life for this. Sudid al-Din (known as Ibn Rafiqah) beautifully narrates the attitude of the people of that time towards Suhrawardi: "One day we were walking with Sheikh Shahab al-Din in the Miafarqin Mosque, he was wearing a sky-colored short robe and had a bright headscarf on his head, one of the He saw my friends with him. He pulled me aside and said: "Wouldn't there be someone else to walk with when you're moving with this car?" I said: Be quiet, don't you know him? He said: No, I don't know him. I said: This is the scholar of time and the sage of the age, this troubled young man is Zahir Shahabuddin Suhravardi. It is said about him that the sheikh has reached the highest positions and the ultimate revelation and has become the owner of virtues and habits. With a little research in historical sources, it can be found that the knowledge of the people of that period was similar to the narration that was narrated; And Suhrvardi was called a rags-to-riches man and some even called him crazy. According to the calendar center of the Institute of Geophysics of Tehran University, his commemoration day is August 8 every year equal to July 29.

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