With Adelaide Valentini, expert beekeeper, we will talk about Resilient Bee, an association that manages a citizen science project for the protection of the honey bee in the wild. Resilient Bee censuses and monitors bees that live and survive in the wild without human intervention. The primary objective is to census these colonies and monitor how long they manage to survive and therefore understand what strategies they implement for survival. Who is Adelaide Valentini: Entrepreneur, consultant and trainer in the regenerative and organic agriculture sector and permaculture designer. https://www.apisnaturae.com/ https://www.beefriendlycampus.com/ In the live broadcast we will talk about: ➤ How do honey bees in the wild resist diseases including viruses and Varroa? ➤ How do they adapt to climate change? ➤ What can we do to help them? ➤ How is Apis mellifera? ➤ What strategies for bee survival? ➤ What is regenerative beekeeping