My shop for individual PC systems: https://krotus-computer.de My hardware Discord: / discord Power supplies are available in many different price ranges and with different efficiencies. There is an 80 Plus certificate for this with bronze, silver, gold, platinum and titanium. In this video I show you when an expensive, more efficient power supply can be worthwhile for you and when it doesn't make sense for you. Using practical examples, I calculate the exact differences in efficiency and cost savings and show you how much you would have to use the PC to recoup the higher purchase costs. In times of ever higher electricity prices, the efficiency of the power supply has become an important point for many customers. In this video I show you how long it really takes for users to recoup their costs. 0:00 Intro 2:02 Explanation 80 Plus 10:00 Basic values Calculation Costs 12:12 Example calculation 14:52 Time mid-range PC 17:24 Time high-end PC 18:50 Average vs. hardcore gamer 23:54 Conclusion 27:22 Outro