???? Enjoy 30 FREE DAYS on MASTERFLIX ???? ???? Sign up now and start transforming the way you play in worship. Click the link below to secure your spot and unlock 30 days of FULL access! ???? - https://go.masterclasstap.com.br/camp... Why learn scales on the keyboard? Knowing scales is very important, as they are our guide when we are playing songs (they indicate which notes we can or cannot play in the song in question, in addition to providing useful clues for forming chords and their extensions). It is possible to study technique, agility, memorization, perception, expressiveness, independence and harmony, from scales, so as we said in the live class, always study applying all these variations. After mastering scales, you will notice how easy it is to add extra notes to songs other than the notes that form the chord, you will have more confidence, it will be more practical to play songs and your ear will also improve. Watch this class to understand in practice why it is so important to have this knowledge.